Monday 27 February 2012

On Courtney Love, and why I think she's the one of the most fabulous humans to stomp about on this earth.

I won't sit here and pretend like Miss Love isn't the most babein' of babes. The hair, the face, the clothes... the 'tude. Loves it. 
Not only is she b-e-a-u-tiful, but she is a one woman whirlwind: talented rocker AND feminst revolutionary being one of the original Riot Grrrrrrls. What a woman.

Okay, sometimes she has the whole 'smacked-out-my-mind' coutre thing going on but so what, it's Courtney Love. 
She's a babe! 
She's a fox! In France she would be called 'La Renard' and she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her. 
If she was a president she'd be Baberaham Lincoln. 
Okay, enough? Get it now. Courtney Love = babe. Here's the proof...

Here she is being a total Kinderwhore babe. 

 'I want every girl in the world to pick up a guitar and start screaming...'

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