Sunday 25 March 2012

Fashion Icon: Bruce Dickinson

Remember that time I said I get 90% of my fashion inspiration from men? Yeah, me too! Well, here's a man who is not only an incredibly talented singer, songwriter, actor, screenwriter, author, and broadcaster he is also an airline pilot. Woah. Oh, and if that wasn't enough things to be seriously good at, he's about as cool as a bag of cucumbers chilling in a ice bucket - and if you weren't totally aware, that is ice cold! He knows how to dress. So, Bruce Dickinson let's take it away...

If there is one thing I love more than black leather (pleather) it's studded black leather. And if there's one thing I love more than studded black leather it's red leather. Red leather trousers/pants are, all things considered, the greatest thing in the world - better than everything.
Here Bruce is demonstrating that wearing shiny red leather trousers gives you superhuman powers. Plus, that studded arm cuff thing is worth at least 250 cool points!

Oh, did I mention it's also totally acceptable (and encouraged) to wear said red pants with nothing else? It really is - see below.

Think American Apparel invented Disco Pants? Think again, here Bruce is working them to within in an inch of their life accompanied with that fancy studded cuff thing again. P.s Red and black is always a killer combination.
Oh, and I've got a sneaking suspiscion those yellow leathers were the original inspiration for Uma Thurman's outfit in Kill Bill!!

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