Saturday 11 February 2012

Fashion Icon: Audrey Kitching

Confession: I’ve never been a ‘girly girl’ and I often seek fashion inspiration from men - think Axl Rose & Bam Margera - but one girl that nails it every single time & inspires me enormously is Audrey Kitching.

To me, she’s the epitome of modern day femininity! She’s creative, and imaginative with her style - not to mention fearless. She's a total chameleon, and constantly recreating herself, and changing up her style by incorporating different elements, and of course her infamous hairstyles!

Since discovering her a couple of years ago I’ve slowly been working more pastel colours, flowers, and feminine touches into my wardrobe. All made easier by her gorgeous clothing line 

Hair, make up, and clothes should be fun! Despite what people/the media say there are NO rules! It's about experimenting and finding out what's fun, and what works for you - and if that's rainbow and orange lipstick, more power to you!

Audrey, I salute you. 

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